The mediterranean chef cafe
5908 Aurora Dr Austin TX 78757 United States
the mediterranean chef cafe in Austin with Address, Contact Number, Photos, Maps. Visit the mediterranean chef cafe at 5908 Aurora Dr Austin TX 78757 United States.
the mediterranean chef cafe in Austin with Address, Contact Number, Photos, Maps. Visit the mediterranean chef cafe at 5908 Aurora Dr Austin TX 78757 United States.
Contact Info
phone | |
website | |
Address | 5908 Aurora Dr Austin TX 78757 United States |
- Mediterranean restaurant
- Takeout restaurant
Opening Hours
Days | Time |
friday | 10am–3pm |
saturday | Closed |
sunday | Closed |
monday | 10am–3pm |
tuesday | 10am–3pm |
wednesday | 10am–3pm |
thursday | 10am–3pm |