Saje kitchen
332 Atwells Ave Providence RI 02903 United States
saje kitchen in Providence with Address, Contact Number, Photos, Maps. Visit saje kitchen at 332 Atwells Ave Providence RI 02903 United States.
saje kitchen in Providence with Address, Contact Number, Photos, Maps. Visit saje kitchen at 332 Atwells Ave Providence RI 02903 United States.
Contact Info
phone | |
website | |
Address | 332 Atwells Ave Providence RI 02903 United States |
- Restaurant
Opening Hours
Days | Time |
tuesday | 5–11pm |
wednesday | 5–11pm |
thursday | 5–11pm |
friday | 5pm–1am |
saturday | 12pm–1am |
sunday | 12pm–1am |
monday | Closed |