Good n plenty restaurant
150 Eastbrook Rd Smoketown PA 17576 United States
good n plenty restaurant in Smoketown with Address, Contact Number, Photos, Maps. Visit good n plenty restaurant at 150 Eastbrook Rd Smoketown PA 17576 United States.
good n plenty restaurant in Smoketown with Address, Contact Number, Photos, Maps. Visit good n plenty restaurant at 150 Eastbrook Rd Smoketown PA 17576 United States.
Contact Info
phone | |
website | |
Address | 150 Eastbrook Rd Smoketown PA 17576 United States |
- Pennsylvania Dutch restaurant
- American restaurant
- Bakery and Cake Shop
- Family restaurant
- Gift shop
- Restaurant
Opening Hours
Days | Time |
friday | 12–7pm |
saturday | 12–7pm |
sunday | Closed |
monday | 2–7pm |
tuesday | 2–7pm |
wednesday | 2–7pm |
thursday | Closed |