Title boxing club grandview
955 W 5th Ave Columbus OH 43212 United States
title boxing club grandview in Columbus with Address, Contact Number, Photos, Maps. Visit title boxing club grandview at 955 W 5th Ave Columbus OH 43212 United States.
title boxing club grandview in Columbus with Address, Contact Number, Photos, Maps. Visit title boxing club grandview at 955 W 5th Ave Columbus OH 43212 United States.
Contact Info
phone | |
website | https://titleboxingclub.com/grandview-oh/ |
Address | 955 W 5th Ave Columbus OH 43212 United States |
- Fitness center
- Boxing Coaching Center
- Gym
- Personal trainer
- Physical fitness program
Opening Hours
Days | Time |
monday | 11am–9pm |
tuesday | 5:30–6:45am 11am–9pm |
wednesday | 11am–9pm |
thursday | 5:30–6:45am 11am–9pm |
friday | 5:30–6:45am 11am–6:30pm |
saturday | 8:30am–1:15pm |
sunday | 8:45am–12:15pm |