West michigan aviation academy
5363 44th St SE Grand Rapids MI 49512 United States
west michigan aviation academy in Grand Rapids with Address, Contact Number, Photos, Maps. Visit west michigan aviation academy at 5363 44th St SE Grand Rapids MI 49512 United States.
west michigan aviation academy in Grand Rapids with Address, Contact Number, Photos, Maps. Visit west michigan aviation academy at 5363 44th St SE Grand Rapids MI 49512 United States.
Contact Info
phone | |
website | http://www.westmichiganaviation.org/ |
Address | 5363 44th St SE Grand Rapids MI 49512 United States |
- High school
- School
Opening Hours
Days | Time |
thursday | 7:30am–3:45pm |
friday | 7:30am–3:45pm |
saturday | Closed |
sunday | Closed |
monday | 7:30am–3:45pm |
tuesday | 7:30am–3:45pm |
wednesday | 7:30am–3:45pm |