Michigan barber school inc
8990 Grand River Ave Detroit MI 48204 United States
michigan barber school inc in Detroit with Address, Contact Number, Photos, Maps. Visit michigan barber school inc at 8990 Grand River Ave Detroit MI 48204 United States.
michigan barber school inc in Detroit with Address, Contact Number, Photos, Maps. Visit michigan barber school inc at 8990 Grand River Ave Detroit MI 48204 United States.
Contact Info
phone | |
website | http://www.michiganbarberschool.org/ |
Address | 8990 Grand River Ave Detroit MI 48204 United States |
- Barber school
Opening Hours
Days | Time |
thursday | 9am–4:30pm |
friday | 9am–4:30pm |
saturday | 9am–4:30pm |
sunday | Closed |
monday | Closed |
tuesday | 9am–4:30pm |
wednesday | 9am–4:30pm |