Tasmania golf club
1420 Tasman Hwy Cambridge TAS 7170 Australia
tasmania golf club in Cambridge with Address, Contact Number, Photos, Maps. Visit tasmania golf club at 1420 Tasman Hwy Cambridge TAS 7170 Australia.
tasmania golf club in Cambridge with Address, Contact Number, Photos, Maps. Visit tasmania golf club at 1420 Tasman Hwy Cambridge TAS 7170 Australia.
Contact Info
phone | |
website | https://tasmaniagolfclub.com.au/ |
Address | 1420 Tasman Hwy Cambridge TAS 7170 Australia |
- Restaurant
- Event venue
- Golf club
Opening Hours
Days | Time |
saturday | 6:30am–8pm |
sunday | 7am–5pm |
monday | 8:30am–5pm |
tuesday | 8:30am–5pm |
wednesday | 7am–8pm |
thursday | 8am–8pm |
friday | 8am–8pm |