Eastern shore doctors shoreline
6 Shoreline Dr Howrah TAS 7018 Australia
eastern shore doctors shoreline in Howrah with Address, Contact Number, Photos, Maps. Visit eastern shore doctors shoreline at 6 Shoreline Dr Howrah TAS 7018 Australia.
eastern shore doctors shoreline in Howrah with Address, Contact Number, Photos, Maps. Visit eastern shore doctors shoreline at 6 Shoreline Dr Howrah TAS 7018 Australia.
Contact Info
phone | |
website | http://www.easternshoredoctors.com.au/ |
Address | 6 Shoreline Dr Howrah TAS 7018 Australia |
- Medical clinic
Opening Hours
Days | Time |
thursday | 8:30am–6pm |
friday | 8:30am–5pm |
saturday | 9am–12pm |
sunday | 10am–12pm |
monday | 8:30am–6pm |
tuesday | 8:30am–5pm |
wednesday | 8:30am–5pm |