Yorketown hospital and health service
19 Waterloo Bay Rd Yorketown SA 5576 Australia
yorketown hospital and health service in Yorketown with Address, Contact Number, Photos, Maps. Visit yorketown hospital and health service at 19 Waterloo Bay Rd Yorketown SA 5576 Australia.
yorketown hospital and health service in Yorketown with Address, Contact Number, Photos, Maps. Visit yorketown hospital and health service at 19 Waterloo Bay Rd Yorketown SA 5576 Australia.
Contact Info
phone | |
website | http://www.sahealth.sa.gov.au/yorketownhospital |
Address | 19 Waterloo Bay Rd Yorketown SA 5576 Australia |
- Emergency care service
Opening Hours
Days | Time |
friday | Open 24 hours |
saturday | Open 24 hours |
sunday | Open 24 hours |
monday | Open 24 hours |
tuesday | Open 24 hours |
wednesday | Open 24 hours |
thursday | Open 24 hours |