Kapunda hospital
24-30 Nash St Kapunda SA 5373 Australia
kapunda hospital in Kapunda with Address, Contact Number, Photos, Maps. Visit kapunda hospital at 24-30 Nash St Kapunda SA 5373 Australia.
kapunda hospital in Kapunda with Address, Contact Number, Photos, Maps. Visit kapunda hospital at 24-30 Nash St Kapunda SA 5373 Australia.
Contact Info
phone | |
website | http://www.sahealth.sa.gov.au/wps/wcm/connect/public+content/sa+health+internet/health+services/hospitals+and+health+services+-+country+south+australia/barossa+hospitals+and+health+services/kapunda+hospital |
Address | 24-30 Nash St Kapunda SA 5373 Australia |
- General hospital
- Hospital